Tuesday, March 26, 2024

My Second Interview

I finally have completed my second interview for my documentary, so in this blog post, I will talk about my troubles and accomplishments surrounding this interview.

        Before starting on anything specific in the interview, I want to focus on the major troubles and annoyances I had while trying to schedule this interview. The actual interview itself went perfectly fine; however, it took me so long to actually set up the interview date, that now, my whole planned schedule is much more compact and rushed. Anyway, the next 2 paragraphs will be about all of the setting up issues.

        When I first started being in contact with Deputy Danielle Quinones, I asked her if she had any contact information for any of the bloodhound dog handlers. Before this message, she mentioned them, so I thought those dogs could be perfect for my second interview. She accidentally gave me a misspelled email address to the main bloodhound dog handler in my county, so I didn't reach out to her until around a week later when I realized the email she gave me had one letter off. Still, before receiving a response from her, I asked Deputy Danielle if she had any other bloodhound handlers contacts so I could get in contact with another one in case the first option didn't come around. She gave me 2 other bloodhound handlers I could contact.

        After finally receiving replies from all 3 of them, they all told me that that week (last week now) was very busy for them, so the interview would have to be this week. I was fine with that apart from the fact that I would have to be editing much faster and get it done before the end of this week (or try at least). My editing time was reduced from around 9 days to 4. Anyway, I ended up settling for one of the bloodhound handlers, Deputy Tony Sun, as he was the only handler that fit into my schedule and replied fast enough so I could make an appointment for my interview. Now, moving on to the actual interview content.

Similarly to Deputy Danielle Quinones, I ended up using the same exact question bank, but I'll still include a picture of it below to refresh your minds on the questions I was asking.

        Like my interview with Deputy Danielle Quinones, Deputy Tony Sun asked me how and where I would like to conduct my interview, so I simply told him I needed a quiet and well-lit room for it. I also made sure to allow him to look over the questions before conducting the interview, so he could have a clearer idea of what to expect and what to answer during the actual filming. I'm not sure if Deputy Tony has ever been interviewed before, but if he hasn't, he was very well prepared and knew exactly how to answer questions. For example, on many occasions, he answered several other questions within one question. He also often explained himself and elaborated a lot with his responses. Unfortunately, there were a couple of moments where there was background noise, and on certain occasions, I did ask him to restate what he was just saying, but in other instances, he was in the middle of talking, so I couldn't necessarily ask him to repeat everything he was just saying.

        After our successful interview, he told me that if I waited out front, he would drive up around the building with Bluey so I could meet her and film some B-roll. He didn't have a lot of time sadly, so I got mainly some plain clips of him walking with Bluey or just Bluey herself. 

        I also filmed Deputy Tony Sun's car a couple of times since it included text that said K9 police car which I could also use as B-roll. After this, I decided to go to the local dog park to see if I could film some more B-roll including dogs in general. This was very successful as I got an extra B-roll I could use if I needed to use some filler clips. 

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my explanation of my second interview filming!


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