Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Today was finally the day I came up with my title. This has been an ongoing process since I came up with my idea and I'm glad I finally got the title I like and I think fits the piece perfectly. Although, I probably will not be showing the title in the actual documentary (since the 5 minutes can come from any part of the episode); however, it was still a very necessary process for my 2 minor components. Anyways, I will be showing and explaining my process through the different mindsets and ideas I had.
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        Starting off, I looked at other pet documentaries or shows to get ideas on how they used special pet related words. After a little bit of research, I saw a clear pattern: most piece tended to take the easy title and simply use their animal name. This includes examples such as "The Elephant Queen" and "My Octopus Teacher".
        There was one specific show, though, that caught my eye:  All that Breathes. I don't specifically know why this show caught my eye, but what I did know is that it broke the constant pattern. It was a little unique. This was my first clue that I wanted something special. So, I began on my long brainstorming journey.

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My Title Journey:
        At first, I was thinking of using an alliteration. I normally like how alliterations sound and I like saying them. This could also be used as a small marketing technique to lure in a larger audience into the interesting and fun-to-say title. Out of this idea came 'Power Pets'. This was kind of a conjoined idea between my mom and I, but even though it was an alliteration, I didn't like it. It felt and sounded too much like a kids show. 

My next ideas came from using a pet related word. I tried a couple different options, but the word 'paws' always stuck. I know that's a very basic answer, and some of my animals I would be showing don't even have paws, but most people typically know that paws are associated with pets or animals.

        Sprouting from that idea, I got to rhymes. I love rhyming so much. I love writing poems and I love making comments that accidentally rhyme. So, I starting researching words that rhyme with paws or paw. The main word that stuck out to me was 'cause'. 

        I came up with a couple different examples. First, I came up with 'pause paws' or 'paws pause'. This was because I was thnking that the title could indicate that the viewers should pause to understand more about the importance of these animals in human lives; however, that idea quickly diminished after I just decided I didn't like it and it would be too confusing for the audience. After that I thought of an idea I was in love with 'pause for a cause'. I absolutely loved it, everything about it, but after just a second of searching up the title, I saw too many articles, companies, and websites using that same company name or tagline. So, sadly, I had to let that idea go. 

        A couple of days later, today, I was asking my friend for some ideas and she told me that I should try to go back to the alliteration idea since I seemed to have liked it so much. I agreed and tried to brainstorm a little more since I was out of options in my mind. I was still set on the idea to use the word paw or paws, so I started thinking of other words that start with the letter p. The list was long. Surprisingly, the first idea I came up with was actually the one I'm deciding to stick with: "A piece of a paw". I really love how this title sounds and I think it has the same approach and meaning as 'paws for a cause". The whole idea is that the documentary is showing just a tiny bit of how important these animals are in our lives and how much of an impact they have on the whole world. Also, I couldn't find any other companies that used that phrase!

Anyways, thank you for reading my month long process of the creation of my title!


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