Today, I had my second and final group meeting in class. I'm confident I already talked about the importance of group meetings in my last posting, so I will briefly explain why this specific meeting was so important.
Unlike the prior meeting, this one was more personalized to our actual projects as most of our group members had almost all of their projects done. This helped me especially because almost everyone in my group was doing a documentary, so we were all on the same path and having to do the same aspects of the project. So, this helped me understand and realize what page of the project other people were on, so I could know what I may need to do to be able to finish my project adequately on time.
The first thing we talked about was surprisingly our print component. My print component, like I mentioned in this blog, is a 2-page magazine spread. My group and I talked about different formats and ideas people were doing, and everyone who had theirs already done or almost done said that they made the text of the article first and then assembled it into a Canva or Word format/design. This helped them speed up the process since the difficult section was already mainly over with. While talking about this, I decided to browse Canva for some templates and I found 2 that I liked that I'm going to match their styles and make each one of my two pages.
Apart from my print component, my group and I also largely discussed the digital component: my social media page. I think one of my biggest issues with this project at the moment, is the amount of content or the lack of knowledge about what exactly to post on my Instagram account. I've already posted several posts about introducing the dogs and the K9 Handler subjects, so I feel it to be useless to do it again.
Someone in my group made a very strong point and idea that everyone could use differently. A poll or a questionnaire. I remember when learning about the social media page, my teacher told me that being interactive with your audience is almost the best thing you could do. So, apart from already having my pet of the week, I decided to add a Q&A where I will be asking my own questions and answering them to tell more about what my project is about. This can also be made into a highlight so it stays on my account page forever.
We also talked in my group about the actual filming project, although not that much, and I remembered the important details about archived footage again. This actually saved me because I had to go back in and change the accidentally archived footage I used. Sadly, I couldn't actually show my groupmates my project, because since I was still making finishing touches, I hadn't exported it off of Adobe Premiere at that point yet.
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